Music & Readings

Music & Readings
Music & Readings

quinta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2010

What If

What if I had patience to play the game of love?
What if I could touch the sky to find out it's real?
What if Mars was on the corner of my house?
What if the moon was a gift to me, shining through the night?
What if I felt pain but cared nothing about it?
What if pleasure was for good, exciting me every second of my day?
What if people were trustworth?
What if there were no heartbreaks?
What if heartbreaks were easy?
What if forever was not a dream?
What if dreams lasted forever?
What if the sun could always dusk the sky?
What if dawns whispered their song to our ears?
What if nights could embrace us all in sheltering arms?
What if words were unecessary, and gestures were made into a language?
What if answers were the solution?
What if solutions were not thought up but lived?
What if sadness was my friend, and didn't make me suffer that much?
What if loneliness was a good company?
What if companies could really mean togetherness?
What if confidence was up to struggle with doubts?
What if feelings instead of being invisible, were touchable?
What if power was only the energy to move us on?
What if we could learn good things from good things?
What if I could change the world?
What if promisses were alliances?
What if then represented as much as now?
What if stars were eyes whatching over us?
What if death was only another way to be followed?
What if I knew how it feels to be free?
What if sometimes one single tear didn't mea an ocean?
What if I consumed time instead?
What if one second was not relative?
What if years didn't go by?
What if distance was a state instead of a measure that keep us apart?
What if you could see the world with my eyes?
What if your eyes watched the world?
What if your view reached the infinite?
What if revenge wasn't so delightful?
What if you could add one "if" to this list?
What if I could make myself understood?
What if I really do know it all?
What if "my ifs" could have answers?

If I could only finish this list, "ifs" would be sure things
but... would I ever question myself again?

2 comentários:

  1. abimaeeeeeel!
    agora fiquei curiosa para sabr de onde veio toda essa inspiração. vou colocar o link do seu blog nos meus favoritos lá do poeira e ossos.
    e continue postandooo! lógico que teve mmmmmta coisa que eu nao captei direitinho, mas deu pra entender algumas coisas hauhauhauhauahuha.

    mtas beijocas!

  2. ps: vou torcer pra sua proxima inspiração vir em português.

